In partnership with local relief organizations and government agencies, the American Red Cross of the Texas Gulf Coast region is working with the residents in our shelters to transition them into their recovery process following the recent severe weather and flooding. 

As the Texas Gulf Coast communities begin to recover from this disaster, the Red Cross is meeting one-on-one with any affected residents and providing an individualized recovery plan.

“Our goal is to help those staying in our shelters get back on their feet,” said Shawn Schulze, Regional Chief Executive Officer for the Texas Gulf Coast region. “We want to help those families affected with their next steps, which is finding where they will start the rest of their lives.”

Red Cross emergency shelters are designed to meet the immediate, short-term needs of impacted residents until long-term efforts can get underway.

The Red Cross and its partner agencies are committed to making sure that everyone impacted by this disaster is offered a safe place to go. Our Red Cross caseworkers will meet with each shelter resident to offer them a recovery plan and additional recovery resources.

Caseworkers from the Red Cross are available to meet with those in the shelter daily. Additionally, Red Cross crisis counselors are available to meet the emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of those feeling the impacts of this disaster.

“Our hope is that we can provide hope during their darkest times and then help those affected get back on their feet and start their recovery process,” said Schulze.

If anyone needs Red Cross assistance and has not already met with a caseworker for the Red Cross, they can call 1-800-Red-Cross.